
How To Make Shortcuts Faster

Whatever time you open up a Windows app past rolling your mouse pointer over to an icon or lift your finger up and borer on a tile, you're wasting time and putting unnecessary strain on your shoulder. The fastest and least physically-taxing fashion to launch any plan is with a keyboard shortcut you tin can hit without fifty-fifty lifting your hands off of the homerow.  Windows 10 allows you to create custom shortcuts for whatever programme, whether it's a traditional "desktop" app, a new-fangled "universal app" or one of Windows eight's "metro apps." Here's how.

Method ane: Create a Desktop Shortcut

one. Open up a command prompt window.You can get at that place past typing "cmd" into the Cortana / Search box and so correct clicking on Command Prompt and selecting "Run as administrator."

2. Type "explorer crush:AppsFolder" (without quotes) at the command prompt and striking Enter. A window with a listing of all your apps appears.

3. Right click on an app and select Create shortcut. It may be easier to find your app if you modify the view setting to "detailed listing" so yous can see all the icons in a single column.

4. Click Yeah when asked if you want the shortcut on the desktop. A new shortcut icon appears on your desktop.

v. Right click on the new shortcut icon and select Properties.

6. Enter a key combination in the Shortcut fundamental field. The combination must be CTRL + ALT + a letter / number.

7. Click OK.

Note: Remember not to apply the same key combination twice. Too note that some programs employ CTRL + ALT + keyboard shortcuts that would likewise launch if you were in their windows. For example, in Photoshop Elements, CTRL + ALT + I brings up the resize carte du jour.

If y'all're creating a keyboard shortcut for a "desktop app," whatsoever awarding that installs via direct download rather than Windows Store alone, you can create the shortcut directly from the Start Bill of fare. Past using this method, you lot can avoid creating a carve up shortcut icon on the desktop.

1. Open the Offset Bill of fare.

2. Navigate to the icon or tile for the app yous want. If the app is non pinned as a tile, you can detect information technology by clicking on the All apps and scrolling through the alphabetical list.

3. Right click and select Open file location. A window opens with a shortcut icon. If Open file location doesn't appear on the card, this is a modern or universal app and you'll have to follow method 1 higher up.

4. Right click on the shortcut icon and select Backdrop.

five. Enter a fundamental combination in the "Shortcut key" box.

6. Click OK.

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