
What In Alcohol Makes You Drunk

Why are y'all drunk?

Wine is an essential drink for gatherings or feasts, only some people fall for a cup, and some people are not drunk for a thousand cups. Andre the Behemothic, a Frenchman, his record was to drinkable 120 to 150 bottles of beer at a time! He tin can swallow 41 liters of beer in 6 hours. Why do some people go drunk faster than others?

Every bit we all know, the principal ingredient of all kinds of wine is alcohol. With the problem above, nosotros starting time learn the process of alcohol metabolism. And then nosotros will have a amend agreement of the causes of drunkness, private differences in booze consumption, the mechanism of dispelling the furnishings of alcohol, and the pros and cons of drinking.

And now it's time to share what nosotros has discovered. Read the following contents and you lot will find out the truth.

1.Alcohol metabolism in the body

The scientific name of alcohol is ethanol. Ethanol is both water-soluble and fat- soluble. It means that when a person drinks wine, the alcohol passes through the esophagus, stomach, intestines and other organs directly through the biofilm and enters the blood apportionment, and is quickly transported to various tissues and organs throughout the body for metabolism. Equally the saying goes, the wine is in the intestines. The ethanol absorbed past the tum and intestines circulates into the liver through the blood. More than than 90 percentage of the ethanol is metabolized in the liver, and less than ten percent of the ethanol is excreted direct through the kidneys, lungs, or sweat.

1.1Ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde

At that place are iii metabolic pathways in ethanol in hepatocytes, and each pathway is localized within a specific subcellular structure.

① Booze dehydrogenase (ADH) pathway

When the concentration of ethanol in the claret is low, ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde under the catalysis of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and this process is completed in the cytoplasm. The reaction equation is: CH3CHiiOH + NAD+ → CH3CH0 + NADH + H+

② Microsomal ethanol oxidation (MEOS) pathway

When the ethanol concentration is besides high, the ADH pathway cannot completely complete the metabolism of ethanol. At this time, the body will induce the expression of the cytochrome P450 gene to produce the enzyme CYP2E1 (P450-2EI), which initiates some other metabolic pathway, which is through the oxidation of microsomal ethanol in the endoplasmic reticulum. The enzyme organization (MEOS) is metabolized to oxidatively decompose ethanol into acetaldehyde. The reaction equation is: CH3CHtwoOH + NADPH + O2 + H+ → CH3CH0 + NADP++ 2HtwoO

The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when CYP2EI oxidizes ethanol is an important mechanism leading to liver injury. Ethanol is metabolized through the MEOS pathway, which not only does not produce free energy, merely likewise increases the consumption of oxygen, leading to energy failure in the liver, injury to liver cells, and even decease.

③ Catalase (Cat) pathway

This pathway is localized in the peroxidase body and is initiated when ethanol is excess. The reaction equation is: CHiiiCH2OH + H2O2 → CH3CH0 + 2H2O

Amongst them, ADH and MEOS are the main pathways for ethanol metabolism.

i.ii Acetaldehyde is oxidized to acetic acid, and then acetic acid is completely oxidized

In the mitochondria, acetaldehyde is converted to acetic acid by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). The reaction equation is: CH3CH0 + NAD+ + H2O → CH3COOH + NADH + H+

The resulting acetic acid enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the course of acetyl CoA, which is oxidized to HiiO, COtwo while releasing a large amount of ATP. The reaction equation is: CHiiiCOOH + CoA + ATP → Acetyl-CoA + AMP + PPi; Acetyl-CoA + 3 NAD + FAD + GDP + Pi+ two H2O → CoA-SH + 3 NADH + 3 H + + FADH2+ GTP + two COii

Effigy: the process of booze metabolism


2.Why does alcohol make some people drunk?

Alcohol is a neurotropic substance that paralyzes brain cells, suppresses the cardinal nervous system, and interferes with the brain's communication pathways. These interruptions can alter moods and behaviors, making people unresponsive, unconscious, and slow-moving. In improver, acetaldehyde, ane of the intermediate metabolites of ethanol, builds up in the trunk, causing blushing, dizziness, and vomiting. These are common reactions to drunkness.

Ethanol enters the encephalon through the bloodstream and and so attaches to the glutamate receptors in the brain's neural circuits. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that normally stimulates neurons. Ethanol does not allow glutamate to become agile, which slows the brain'due south response to stimuli. Ethanol besides binds to the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptor and activates the GABA receptor, which makes people feel calm and drowsy, so the brain's office is further slowed down.

In the general human body, there are alcohol dehydrogenases, and the quantitative action is essentially equal. Withal, due to differences in races and individuals, the activity and quantity of ALDH2 are different. Half of Asians have weaker ALDH activity, then the intermediate metabolite--acetaldehyde, accumulates in the body afterwards drinking, which causes the concentration of acetaldehyde in the claret to ascent rapidly, resulting in facial and systemic flushing, palpitations, volatility, and vomiting. They are typical drunk reactions.

Afterward 1 to two hours, the cherry colour on their faces volition gradually go to the legs. This is caused by the P450 in the liver slowly converting acetaldehyde into acerb acrid, which is then metabolized by entering the TCA cycle.

The alcohol concentration in the blood (%) Drunkard Reactions
0.05 Slightly boozer, happy mood, more than words, eye, and finger coordination is affected Hypoesthesia, shambling gait, emotional instability, aggressive behavior (acute alcoholism)
0.two Crude conduct, foul words, liable to cause troubles
0.iii Slurred speech, vomiting and getting drunk

3.Why are others not drunk even they beverage much more than you?

The key factor of some people practise not get boozer despite of having a lot alcohol is due to ALDH.

A study by the United states National University of Sciences showed that the amount of alcohol and the presence or absence of alcohol habit are non adult by the do of the day afterwards tomorrow, only by the "drinking gene"-ALDH, which tin bear on people'south response to alcohol.

According to the alcohol metabolism pathway, we know that alcohol is get-go oxidized to acetaldehyde by ADH, and the content and action of individual alcohol dehydrogenase are not much different, so this stride will non be different in the population. Subsequently that, acetaldehyde must be converted to acetic acid under the catalysis of ALDH, and the activity of ALDH in each person varies from person to person, which is the key reason for the difference in alcohol consumption.

People with high ALDH action have a potent alcohol metabolism capacity; those with low ALDH activeness take less ability to metabolize booze. The level of ALDH activity is mainly related to heredity, and sometimes it can be induced past alcohol. Long-term drinking boosts the activity of this enzyme, thus increasing the amount of alcohol.

In addition, people who regularly drink large amounts of booze have higher MEOS system activeness and meliorate metabolism and tolerance to alcohol. This is the scientific evidence that alcohol consumption can be trained.

4.The machinery of dispelling the effects of alcohol

The general machinery of the hangover is: stimulate the torso to produce acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and increase the enzyme activeness, accelerate the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acerb acrid, and straight deed on the produced acetaldehyde to reduce the toxic effect of acetaldehyde on the torso.

v.The cons and pros of drinking


Mostly, adults can digest 15 ml of alcohol per 60 minutes. Drinking as well much alcohol over a long period of time or at one sitting could impairment the eye, liver and pancreas, and could drag the risk of cancer. Long-term drinking also make one person addictive and dependent in booze.

Brain: Backlog alcohol disturbs i's mind and affects emotions and retention. At the same time, information technology elevates the run a risk of stroke and dementia.

Heart: Drinking a lot can impairment the heart, leading to heart attacks such equally loftier blood pressure level and cardiomyopathy.

Liver: Long-term heavy drinking can crusade alcoholic hepatitis and increase the risk of cirrhosis.

Cancer: Head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer also occur often in those who prefer to drink.

Acetaldehyde produced during alcohol metabolism is more toxic to humans than ethanol, which is 10 times more toxic than ethanol. Acetaldehyde has cracking hepatotoxicity, mainly causing changes in liver cells. Alcoholic cirrhosis is the event of the direct action of acetaldehyde on hepatocytes. Acetaldehyde has general anesthetic effects and tin also cause drowsiness, paralysis, hallucinations, and loss of intelligence and large doses can even cause death through respiratory paralysis.


Certainly, it is proficient for the human being body to drink vino occasionally. Here list some benefits of drinking little alcohol.

Booze categories Benefits
Liquor Shine blood circulation, scattered blood stasis and blood circulation, phlegm and common cold, spleen and warm breadbasket
Xanthous wine Rich in nutrients, contains more than xviii kinds of amino acids, including 8 kinds of essential amino acids
Wine Arable amino acid and vitamin content; soften claret vessels and protect the heart
Beer "Liquid staff of life"; promote blood circulation, appetite, protect the heart, assist digestion, eliminate fatigue, clearing heat and diuresis

To some extent, alcohol is a good thing. No matter it is vino or beer, they bring united states of america happy moments. Nonetheless, information technology is recommended to drinkable moderately, specially for those who are hands drunk. After all, the vast majority are non Andre the Giant.


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